AnxietyPath is a safe community environment supported by professional counselors. We are a free self help destination to receive support and guidance for recovery from anxiety and phobias
There is a process to recovery. Below is the roadmap to recovery that I used myself to create recovery;
These points are not meant to be used as “steps”; in other words, you do not do one this week, and the next the following week. These points are available to us each day, all day. Some of the points help to understand our anxiety better, whereas other points are a direct call to action.
I will go through each point and explain in further detail how to use these points, and more importantly how to put them into action to create a recovery in your own life.
The 6 E’s to Recovery
There will be a conditioned response when exposed to your triggers.
Recovery is based on a proactive approach to changing our conditioned behavior.
In small, manageable steps enter your trigger situation.
Practice and implement the use of tools, as well as other life managing techniques.
Identify your triggers and become aware of the first thought.
Recovery is created through right effort.
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