6 E’s To Recovery From Anxiety Disorders

6 E'sAs with all successful programs, there is a systematic approach.  Recovery from anxiety disorders is no different.  The steps to recovery are spelled out in the following 6 E’s of recovery.

In the upcoming weeks, there will be future posts explaining in further detail what exactly each “E” represents.  And more importantly how to implement the lesson into our lives in order to create recovery from our anxiety disorders.

The following 6 E’s are exactly how I created recovery.  And it is the underlining format for each suggestion that I have made in all of my previous posts.

For now, familiarize yourself with these 6 E’s and keep them on hand. Remember that they are not to be used in the sense that one is used solely on its own.  But rather they are to be used “as needed”.  Do not think of them as a step-by-step guide, but instead, they provide a full and complete roadmap to recovery from anxiety disorders.

In the future posts, we will discuss further.  And in time they will make more sense to you and you will see their benefit in greater detail.

6 E’s To Recovery From Anxiety Disorders

  • Expect
  • Engage
  • Expose
  • Employ
  • Examine
  • Effort

Expect:  There will be a conditioned response when exposed to your triggers.

Engage:  Recovery is based on a proactive approach to changing our conditioned response.

Expose:  In small, manageable steps enter your trigger situation.

Employ:  Practice and implement the use of tools, as well as other life managing techniques.

Examine:  Understand your triggers and become aware of the first thought.

Effort:  Recovery is created through right effort.

The 6E’s – Copyright © 2015

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Negative Media Affects Anxiety

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Surrender To The Situation

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